Fine or D

This all happaned long ago, in a place that is no more.
I lifed there almost my entire life.. but something.. something i did not dare to bring up again untill this day happaned. It was a warm, sunny, spring day and me and my friends were playing in my fathers garage, which was normal for kids our age, since we just became 14 and were all into building stuff, but then we heard something from the upstairs so we decided to check it out.. and there was a little girl, she was asleep. We decided it was a good idea to wake her up and then once she woke up she started screaming. After me and my friends calmed her down she started telling us a story, about a mansion near a lake not far from where we lifed.. She say she saw lighning flashing inside the windows, which was unusual according to her, we then decited it was a good idea to check it out, she was afraid and decided she will stay at out garage, which we thought was a-ok.
Chapter 4
We arrived at the mansion and rang the door bell and then someone came and opened it and we all saw him and his face, it was a horrid face.. we all screamed because he has a beard too. then we went in to his house and found that it was actually a nice house on the inside. He came after us and said that we should go to the basement for free stuff, but when we got there the room turned black and there was no way back. He started to laugh uncontrollably, we tried to get away, but my friend gorge did not want to go since he was a pedofidle and brony and wanted to die anyway. So the 3 of us went out of the room which openend when we said the old man could have goarge because he was a pedo + brony which are already 2 strikes of the four so the chance of him actually making something of him in his life were slim. When we got out we all agreed that this should be reported to the police so we went to the police but when they got to the house it was gone and only a note remained which sayd HE WENT WITH THE D which means that he went with crist, we all got very scare and went back to the little girl, but once we got there she was gone and all that was left of here was a puddle of piss that she left behind.
Chapter 8 : The forbidden D
I remembered this when i moved away after this, I am 15 now and i look back on my childhood as the horror it was and is today, I have GF now and she asks me to tell her stories of the times past, which is this one i have just told you. But after hearing it she cried out of fear and never wanted to see me agan. Resently a guay moved into the house next to ours.. and on some nights i see thunder in their windows.. and 3 children and a bearded guy.. and i know my time is coming soon..